Add letterhead/logo/branding to PDF | Add Visual Signatures to PDF | Rearrange PDF files (add/remove/rotate pages) | And much more....
Add visual signatures to PDF
Easily sign your PDF document using a hand written signature . A tool is provided to turn your signature into a transparent image. Add a visual signature based on text recognition.
Drag-and-drop (DOCX/XLR/PDF) to add letterhead
Add your logo to PDF files using drag-and-drop. Drop a single file or entire folders to Fabreasy drag-and-drop.
Word and Excel PDF Office Ribbon
A single click solution! Use the Office Ribbon to create a PDF file from Word and Excel while adding your letterhead, security and signature settings. The generated file can be saved, sent by email or printed.
Add PDF Security options
Secure your output PDF. Enable encryption. Restrict editing. Enable the password option to open or edit the document. Create an individual template for every client containing a unique password, email address and email body. Make your external communication more General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) proof.
PDF Printer (including batch printing)
Fabreasy includes a PDF Creator in the form a printer. Easily add your letterhead or logo to the output while printing to PDF.
When printing in batches the output can be captured while adding a time stamp.
PDF Merge & PDF Split
Drag and drop your PDF file to Fabreasy PDF Splitter and your file separates into multiple files. Individual PDF files are processed and optionally added to email (PDF Mail Merge). The PDF Merger joins PDF files and then processes this file.

Since a week we started to work with Fabreasy. In our online accounting software, we have the opportunity to add our corporate branding in a nice way, but adding this to our letters, spreadsheets, charts and presentations was quite complicated. Using Fabreasy it has become very easy to add our corporate identity to all our document from any software. After a free trial period, we moved with satisfaction on to a paid license. We will also be using the PDF security and signing expansion from now on!